
Es werden Posts vom 2012 angezeigt.

Gods in Winter - 1

winter roses

竹 zhú 六

from my heart

only white, 1

tree language - 32

竹 zhú 五

竹 zhú - 四

one wears hat

winterlich - t, 5

rain is gone

竹 zhú 三

竹 zhú 二

and then the sea, 3

saison's end

finally free space

sea graphics - 25

竹 zhú 一

ricordi, 8 - 12

first priority being together

and then the sea, 2

eyes wide open, 23

tree language - 31

magic city

delicate construction

autumn whisperer - 1


ricordi, 7 - 12

tree language - 30

city art - Bremen, 3

some moments last forever

ricordi, 6 - 12

tree language - 29

ricordi, 5 - 12

ricordi, 4 - 12

ricordi, 3 - 12

ricordi, 2 - 12

Forest Beauty

ricordi, 1 - 12

ricordi, 1 - 12

southern impressions - Montagnola

just a touch

and the summer ends

one single bell


over the sea

under white umbrellas

in the backyard


my thoughts are mine