el cielo




  1. Oh my goodness! This is absolutely fantastic!! Where did you take this photo? It looks like New Mexico or Arizona to me.
    I love the dynamiks of the clouds and storms.

    bis bald FotoFreundin,
    David/ Houston :-)

  2. Grosse Klasse liebe Isabella...

    Herzlichst Hans-Peter

  3. A beautiful piece of American you have here. The low rumble of thunder above the desert is soon upon us.

  4. Sergio, muito obrigado! Eu sou feliz!

    um beijo

  5. Dear David, thank you very, very much for your absolutely wonderful comment. Yes, you'd think it would actually somewhere in the American desert regions, it is Europe! It is the island of Fuerteventura, a Canary Island, which belongs to Spain and lies near to Africa.

    my best wishes to you and a wonderful rest of the week,


  6. Lieber Hans-Peter,

    danke für Deine so lobenden Worte. Ich freue mich sehr darüber!

    liebe Grüße

  7. No, no, dear Pietari, it's Europe - the Island Fuerteventura. my favorite island because of its parsimony and the fantastic light. Only Iceland I like even better ...


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